As the Chief's weapon approaches her, Kaylyn stands firm. Whatever happens at this point, she will not back down. Not when there are people who depend on her. Her thoughts wander to the prone figure behind her, helpless without her protection. They wander further to Liz, being taken to God only knows where. Helpless. She knows she shouldn't think like that, but there's really no-one else. The only one who can do anything is her. The only one who can save everybody is her.@20@@21@ So she won't back down, she thinks as she watches the weapon descend in slow motion. She'll protect everyone. She doesn't know how, but she will.@30@ @32@So Be It.@32.01@@33@ Light and power stream forth from the lone girl, stopping the attack and throwing the Chief back a few steps. He raises a hand to block the blinding glow from his eyes. It's impossible, he thinks to himself. Not this early. Sure, she might get some sort of inkling, some idea, but to find her calling, her Destined Path so soon?@45@@46@ Hershel watches his screen with rapt attention. For the last few minutes he's been feeling as helpless as possible, chanting spells and enchantments under his breath, anything so that the few friends that he has known would be safe. He doesn't know if it worked, or if some other force is coming to their aid, or if somehow Kaylyn has gained access to power of her own. He simply watches the mystic lightshow and hopes that whatever is happening will help.@63@@64@ The light extends warmth and comfort, making mockery of space and time and reaching all those whom it was meant for. Geoffry feels it as he approaches Victoria, relieved to find her safe and enjoying a small meal. Jon feels it as he looks at his new friend's phone for directions, and he is suddenly sure of her safety. He walks with a smile, dragging her sword behind him.@77@@78@ Reaching across the Quintessal Sea, the light warms Liz. She awakens in a swaying and bobbing room, and for some reason she cannot place does not feel fear. She rests her head on her new pillow and pulls the warm bedding she finds herself in close, closing her eyes and smiling.@92@@93@ Chester feels it as well. He raises his head from the ground, suddenly feeling slightly stronger. He looks forward, expecting to see the Chief approaching to finish him, and instead sees him backing away in what might be fear, with an indistinct female figure glowing between them. As the glow dissipates, he recognizes Kaylyn, though he doesn't know where she got those new clothes from. Trust Kaylyn to find time to model a new dress in the middle of a fight.@106@@107@ The Chief appears to have gotten over whatever was causing him to be so afraid. He raises his club with renewed vigor and snarls. With a bellowing battle cry, he charges, intent on crushing both of these Scions in a single blow. Chester screws his eyes shut. He knows that by all rights he is doomed. He waits for the inevitable crushing feeling of the club caving his head in like a pop can.@124@@126@ It never comes.@127@@128@ He opens his eyes once more to see Kaylyn with one hand raised in in the universal sign of "Stop". For some reason, the Chief is obeying. No, he thinks as he looks closer. A few inches from where her hand is, a translucent wall of yellow has formed between Kaylyn and the Chief. The Chief's club pushes against the wall to now avail.@142@@143@ With a slight shoving motion, Kaylyn causes the wall to rapidly approach the Chief and dissipate, knocking him off balance. She then draws her own weapon and pulls out a projectile to launch. Wait, is that the UMDP? Or whatever it's supposed to be called now, the PTC? How is she loading that thing into her slingshot? When did she even pick it up?@156@@157@ Kaylyn offers no answers to these unvoiced questions, of course. She raises her weapon and aims at her stumbling opponent. He rights himself and looks on dumbly as the club is launched from Kaylyn's slingshot towards his unprotected face. He continues to stare unmoving as the club reaches him, connecting with a crack. He falls backwards and begins to disappear like all the other defeated enemies have up to this point.@178@@179@ @180@Well Done.@180.5@
Created from a post in mysticCharlatan's creation, Recursion of Fate, specifically the update [S]Kaylyn: Shield Chester.
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Javascript and timing data written by Simon Richard Clarkstone.